Thursday, December 19, 2013

A little letter to my pug pup

My dearest sweet pug pup, Mister Jackson, 

We've only been together for one week - almost to the hour! I love you so much - more than your little puppy mind can ever imagine! But, let's be real. This past week you've been a pain in the butt. (Just being real.) You have pooped and peed everywhere - and I know you will continue to do so for at least a couple of more months until you are fully housetrained. I hate it that I have to lock you up in a little gated space because I can't trust you. I hate, hate, hate going to school or running errands and leaving you in general. The only thing that is on my mind when I am gone is you! I'm always worried if you're hungry, bored, and if you're ok. I know, I know, everyone says, "He's just a dog!" I still am so new to this - and will continue to Google silly questions such as: "Can puppies choke on their teeth?!" And I will most definitely visit at least 3 times a day. I won't forget the first day you woke me up at 4 and 6 in the morning with your precious and adorable yelps and cries. I will admit there have been times I have questioned if I could truly take care of you to the best of my ability. But, I really think you have been one of the best things that has happened in my life! Let me tell you why..

You kindof remind me of my relationship with God. You're just a dog, I know. But listen!

Sometimes, you just don't listen to me.. even though I know what's best for you, you still choose to rebel and run away. For the most part, you rarely listen to me unless I have a treat for you. On the other hand, you love me - you absolutely love me. You get excited as soon as I get home and walk through the door. You give me kisses and cuddles. (Those are my absolute favorite!)

Sure, you're pretty darn cute - but you are such a rebel. Even though it's just been one week - 7 days, I've had to step back and smile (while you're napping), reflecting on my relationship with God. I know, I know. you're a dog. I'm a human. But, there are so many things I learn from you, which teaches me more about God.

I'm the biggest mess. I never have and never will ever have it all together. Sometimes, I intentionally run away from God and choose not to listen to Him because I fool myself into beliving that my ways are better than His ways.. even though I know He knows what is best for me. Really, I find myself turning and praying to God whenever I need him the most - kindof like treats. Whenever I wander away from God, I'm such a sad human being, wandering throughout my days with no purpose. I don't want to do that. I don't want to run to God only when I need him. I want to always be with God because I always am in need of Him. Even though I often rebel against Him despite His warnings - he always takes me back.

He uses people, books, music, nature, everyday life things to always bring me back to Him. Sometimes  it can be ugly - but these things often serve as vessels with a great purpose: to bring me back to the One who loves me the most.

The fact that I will never give up on you even when you refuse to listen to me (even though I know what's best for you. I promise - I'm just helping you when you try to make big jumps down from the couch and I hold you back!), reminds me of the way that God will never give up on me.

thanks, Mister Jackson, for reminding me how silly I can be sometimes. For reminding me of God's grace. And ultimately, reminding me of God's greatest gift of all - his love to us, which is so much better than any treat ever!

I know you will never completely understand me. You're a dog. BUT, I love you so much than you're finite puppy mind will never, ever be able to fully comprehend! Which reminds me of how I will never completely understand God. I'll never understand why certain things happen or certain things don't happen. I don't understand and I never will. 

I know this is probably so silly. But thank you, Mister Jackson! Even though you'll never understand, or even read this, but you really have already taught me so much than you will ever know in such a short amount of time! 

You remind me of myself and to continually seek the Lord and to abide in His love.

Your Human

Monday, July 15, 2013

charlottesville, va

Many things have been going on & these days have been very full. Thankfully, God allowed me to get away from everything this past weekend... Amidst the large workload of summer school. So, I was able to go with my parents to visit my brother in Virginia! 

A few photos from my iphone since the last time I updated this little space: 

It was such a nice weekend! Now, we are sitting in Lexington, Virginia because we had a tire blow out on the interstate. At least it's pretty here. : ) 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

It's ok.

“The fact that you’re struggling doesn’t make you a burden. It doesn’t make you unloveable or undesirable or undeserving of care. It doesn’t make you too much or too sensitive or too needy. It makes you human. Everyone struggles. Everyone has a difficult time coping, and at times, we all fall apart. During these times, we aren’t always easy to be around — and that’s okay. No one is easy to be around one hundred percent of the time. Yes, you may sometimes be unpleasant or difficult. And yes, you may sometimes do or say things that make the people around you feel helpless or sad. But those things aren’t all of who you are and they certainly don’t discount your worth as a human being. The truth is that you can be struggling and still be loved. You can be difficult and still be cared for. You can be less than perfect, and still be deserving of compassion and kindness.” - Daniell Koepke

Sunday, June 23, 2013

nice day, folks! : a lot of pictures

my, my, my! 

The past couple of days have been filled with so many exciting adventures.

On Thursday, my dad & I went on a ride in a hot air balloon. We watched the sunrise and it was pretty much the best thing I've ever done in my life. We also adventured downtown Belleville & strolled through many antique and thrift stores. (Thrifting is always a good idea.)

On Friday, my lady best, Hillary, and I left to go to Nashville. We spent the night & adventured downtown Nashville, made some friends, and went to the flea market the next day. 

For the first time, it truly felt like summer. I mean it really felt like summer, the goodness of summer.  Windows rolled down, arm out the window, sun shining bright, sunglasses on, good music blasting, laughing and dancing.

Summertime is liberating, and all is gravy in my heart. :)

Actually, gravy wouldn't be good in my heart.
But you get it.