Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Classroom Management & Psalm 103

I'm halfway done with this semester. This means a few short weeks and I will be graduating! Because of my internship, however, I'll be in the 1st grade until June 6th.. Which is a-okay with me! I wouldn't want to leave the class early for anything! I've grown so much this semester, not only as a teacher but as a person.. As a 20 year old single female. One thing we are taught in the education program is to become reflective practitioners. I find reflecting not only helpful in terms of "teacher stuff" but also just everyday regular "20 year old female stuff."

This semester I have been exposed to SO much. 
And I am so, so, SO thankful for it! 
I'm thankful for the diversity in which I have encountered - every single bit of it!
I have seen the effects of socioeconomic factors play into a child's behavior and performance at school. I have seen cultural and ethnic diversity. 
I have seen authentic learning. 
I have seen authentic assessment.
I have seen and helped design curriculum using the CCSS and NGSS. 
I have seen students use technology in ways I never thought was possible. (Who remembers those old school typing computers that had the TINY little screen they used to bring around to classrooms on a huge cart? Yeah.. they have iPads now and Apple TV and a bunch of other wonderful technology! Woah.)
I have seen bilingual classrooms. 
I have seen bullying.
I have seen rage.
I have seen kindness.

One issue that has impacted me greatly this semester is behavior. I've seen many types of behavior; both good and bad. It's easy for me to say that both types of behaviors impact me in different ways, but I spend most of my time thinking about the bad behaviors. I can't tell you how many days and hours my CT and I have spent brainstorming ways to revamp our classroom management plan. I will come home after school and hours of planning with a heavy heart for these students who have these negative behaviors. Sometimes at school these students will call me and other teachers names, they will say they don't like 1st grade, they will hit, kick, bite, they will disrespect themselves, others, and property... And honestly just be mean.

I cannot tell you how much time I spend thinking, praying, brainstorming ideas to help these students. I know it is my purpose above all to show love to each student, but it wasn't until recent ally this specific verse came to mind: 

The Lord is compassionate and graciousslow to anger, abounding in love.

He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;

he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.

Psalm 103:8-10

These students need me to be compassionate, and maybe God needs me to show them grace, just like he shows me every single day. 

For whatever reason, some students have really rough days and trouble obeying, but in the end I think all they really want is to know that someone unconditionally loves them. 

Isn’t that what we all want? Unconditional love, forgiveness, grace and compassion? I pray that I can continue to reflect the character of God to my students. 

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