Monday, April 1, 2013


Wow! I really stink at this whole "documenting my life" thing.
Update: IT'S MY BIRTHDAY MONTH! HOO-RAY! I'm turning 20. I assume nothing special happens, but I'm still excited. It's a birthday! I love birthdays, parties, cake, and things of the like. : )

Lately, I've been doing a lot of reflection of life experiences as of late. I really enjoy school and everything in Carbondale. My brain feels like it is literally growing larger and larger each day because of the amount of information I take in; however, I still love it. I've met nice people, not so nice people, and weird people. I especially love the weird people. They make life so interesting and fun. Each weekend I come home to my parents and have so many stories to tell them. These stories include occurrences at school to my not-so-nice roommate and other relationship troubles, even silly events happening like forgetting to put fabric softener in the washer. (This is a big deal to me!)
I've realized that stories are an everyday occurrence. There are good stories and bad stories, but I really believe they can make you a better (or worse) person... depending on how you take them. You can grow from these stories, or let them act like chains and hold you down. The neat thing is... everyone has different stories, and we each take them in differently. Sometimes this stories come in expectedly, and sometimes unexpectedly, they can be sweet or a slap in the face!

But, it's how we take them and learn from them. 
I think know God gives us these stories for a purpose. 
So we can share them with others and maybe help them out, too. 

I think I'll start sharing my stories. In this way, maybe I can extend love no matter where I go and who I'm talking to. That'd be neat. I want to live a life of love no matter where I'm at or where God places me. 

SO, good stories as of late?

I made the most delicious cupcakes for Easter. Vanilla filled with blackberry mascarpone and vanilla buttercream! Delicious. I'll bake some for you, if you'd like. 

The little girl next door greeted me as soon as I pulled in the driveway today. As soon as I got out of my car, she gave me a huge hug around my legs and handed me a handful of dandelions. "HERE!!" she said, in her cute little 4-year old voice. Of course I replied with a, "Thank you! I love them!" Then, she ran off and continued to play. Isn't it so funny how the littlest things such as dandelion, a weed, can be a token of love? This whole event just makes me smile. This little girl showed so much love to me just by handing me a handful of weeds when I got home. Needless to say, this made my entire day. I want to show love like my little neighbor girl, in the simplest ways. It says so much. 

I've discovered my passion for teaching internationally. I'm not saying I want to go out of the country, I mean, I would love that, but I love everything about other countries, especially their people. Each week I spend at least 1 hour with a student from South Korea. This gal is the BEST. I've learned so much from her. This may sound silly, but she makes my heart so happy! I've found myself researching and watching videos all about education in other countries, and it is all so interesting to me. I believe this story is to be continued with continued thought and much prayer. : )

It's really neat how relationships form. I mean, in grade school we were all basically friends if we were in the same classroom. It's neat to look back and see what defined friendship throughout the years. I love my gal pals so much, and am so thankful for them. They are always there when I need to talk, laugh, cry, whine, etc. I've also learned a lot about love. It's really weird how the definition changed for me once I got out of high school. It's not just hanging out on the weekends or talking on the phone, but completely... well, I don't really think love should be confined to words. What do you think? I don't know, it kindof seems hard to see myself in this "love" that defines marriage. I feel like sometimes I'm hard to love and I would especially be hard to love in a "romantic" way. SO, this story is also to be continued. :)

SO, I have no idea what I'm doing with this whole "blog" thing, but it's kindof fun. 
PLUS, my father and I are furnishing my entire (or at least a majority) of my apartment for the fall by ourselves. My dad is the best and can build/do anything.. so I will be blogging about that in the summer. Yay! 

You're great. I really think that! Even my hard-to-love roommate. (I could probably tell you a couple of stories about her, too.)

hi, these are delicious.

sweet dandy-lions!

the sweetest girl you'll ever meet, Sun-ah!

my best gal pals. 

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